Sunday, February 8, 2009

Teaching the Runts!

So I figured you guys would all want to hear about teaching right? I will update you on my kindergarted kids... (trust me you dont want to hear about Gleb right now) This is our caterpillar that we made out of pipecleaner and googly eyes and egg cartons!! They loved it sooo much! They learned new words like putting the pipe cleaner THROUGH the hole and stuff like that! They are so cute!

These are the girls in my homeroom class! They are the sweetest!! And they love me, even though i'm super strict! haha (our classroom is so tiny)

This day thy were indians!! They were so excited! The boy in the front with the orange shirt is Valera, he is my host brother! I love him, he has the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes (when he isn't squinting.)

This is Sarah's homeroom class! They are my last rotation of the day, so usually I am so sick of teaching the same thing over and over by then, so we just have fun!

These (Ulia, Artiom, and Bogdon) are the worst kids in the whole Kindergarten, but somehow they are my favorite!! They all love eachother too...they kiss all the time and everything, I don't know what they are thinking, but I guess I dont understand what any of them are thinking!

This is Alina and Veronica, they are in my homeroom, and they are both 3! They are the youngest in our Primary, and its hard to get them to talk, but I try!

Here are my other 3 girls, Liza, Anya, and Nastia...They are 5 & 6 and they are little know it alls! They speak pretty well (they get all the best prizes during store, because they have all the tokens!) We have so much fun together!

This is Masha, she is in Branda's class, and she's 3 also. Today we were Princesses! She has these pigtails EVERY day! Sometimes they are more lopsided though...

At first, I didn't know how I was gonna make it through teaching, because I was so overwhelmed with all the kids, and how crazy they were...But now I just love them all, the craziest ones have even become some of my favorites! After you get to know them, and their personalities, almost everything they do just makes you laugh! If anyone ever has an opportunity to teach, do it!

A lot of the kids have been sick lately, like today we only had 12 out of 32 there! So we have been combining lessons and playing games together...we taught them duck-duck-goose. They LOVE it! But I was the last one chosen and then Bogdon decided to grab onto my leg and then all the kids jumped on me and attacked me!! They were just jumping on me and tickling me for a good 5 minutes. No one came to my rescue because they were laughing so hard!

(I promise I'm in there...those are my black legs to the right and I'm wearing the striped shirt you can hardly see) They finally came to my rescue because Ivan (the redhead) had just wet his pants and was sitting on me!! So yeah, it was lovely!! haha but we had a lot of fun! I love it here! Although I do miss everyone, email me so I can know how everyone is doing! Love you all!

1 comment:

Laura Reay said...

Loved the pictures it looks like fun beware of redheads. It was fun to talk to you this afternoon. I love you Mom