Sunday, February 15, 2009

Narnia..I mean Pavlovsk Palace after a pretty horrid week, we definitely needed some fun in our lives...I think Sveta knew that Pavlovsk was the place!! I am currently reading all of 'The Chronicles of Narnia' Books. I LOVE them!! So this reminded me of Narnia to the 'T'! It was about a 45 minute train ride outside of the City.

The train was a fun experience...and it was snowing just in the morning. The snowflakes were beautiful, just like the snowflake that the Who's live in. hehe We take for granted so often the beauty all around us, It's insane how God thought of every little thing and did it in only 7 days. In church we learned about the creation, and how we can be closer to Christ when we are in Nature and think about all that he has done for sorry that is my spiritual rant.... Pavlovsk is an Estate that was created by a Czar. Its gorgeous..

This isn't a very good picture but this is the front.. There is a statue and a huge sqare. It is all rounded and yellow! I loved it! They even had horse drawn sleighs going up to the door.

I would've posted pictures of the inside and told you all about Paul the first and his wife that lived there...but the grounds were my favorite part! There were bridges everywhere and half frozen rivers. The fact that it had snowed all night and day before, made it magical.

This is the Pavillion of friendship, and I'm standing by it with my BFFF! hehe It was so pretty, and I think that I loved it even more just because it looks like the pavillion from Pride and Prejudice! and that is my favorite part of the movie.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be a photographer..hehe

We owned that bridge!

The pavillion by itself, LOVE IT!!!

This is what all of the pathways looked like that we walked on to get to the Palace. it was so cool because it seemed like it was snowing because the snow was falling from the trees. I love when the snow sticks to them like that!

These benches don't get a lot of use in the winter, so we figured we'd be the first ones to sit on it! I definitely wouldn't be opposed to someone proposing to me here, it is very romantic!

This was us trying to get up the hill to the palace. Underneath the snow was pure ice, so it was very, very slippery. You'll find out that I fell in the end. Love you guys, I'll post when I get back from Moscow!


Laura Reay said...

It looks like you are in a fairyland. It is prettier than I thought. I so want to get on a plane and fly over there especially when you go to all the other places. Just don't kill yourselves. Have fun, Enjoy!!!!!! I love you mamareay

e.wilson said...

you're beautiful, russia's beautiful.
i LOVE AND MISS you dena reay.

Haley Reay said...

Dena I am soo jealous I love Narnia!!! Miss you, Love you!!! We're trying to teach Porter your name:) as soon as he gets it we'll show you.

A. said...

Oh my goodness! I just watched this video you posted and laughed SO hard. I haven't seen this for sooo long. That was really sad that I kept falling and all of you just pulled out your video-cameras! Haha, I guess little ole karma got you back in the end though! And good ole Kim..."Velcome to Russia!" Oh how I miss those days I once thought would never end...